Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Random Ramble.

So, here I am just sitting in class, having finished all my work and just thinking about things that aren't going to help me in my politics assignment due soon what-so-ever, but you know what? I don't care.
I've decided I'm going to change. I'm going to be who I want, act how I want, cut my hair, dye my hair, wear the make-up I want, be happy but most of all, I'm gonna say 'Eff you' to society. I'm sick of acting the way society wants me to, I'm sick of being picked on for being someone that I'm not even.
I'm looking around my class, noticing for the first time, all the different people there is in it. There's this one girl, Jess, who's so not what is expected of her. There's all these girls who are everything that's wanted of them in society. Then, there is me and my friends. We're all fairly pretty, smart and yeah. But by looking at people - can you actually tell if they're happy or not?
Like, most people would look at me and think 'oh yeah, she has it all. A great job, good grades, good friends, guys adore her, she's comes from a good family so she has nothing to be sad about' but like, that's the thing, people just assume these days, no one actually tries to find out. Like, I'm not all that happy - and you know what? I have my reasons and I don't need to explain them.
But, I have a goal for month of September and onwards. I'm going to change. I'm going to make an effort to people who make an effort towards me, I'll be nicer to almost everyone, I'll do what I want and be as happy as I please, and I'll do what I want, when I want, and I don't care what anyone says.
I'm getting my hair cut on monday, the way I want it. Wish me luck!

xoxo Sammi.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Beginners Makeup: A Helper

So, you've never worn makeup before, and you want to start wearing it. First off, don't go out and invest in high-end brands like MAC, stay with drugstore brands like CoverGirl and Rimmel, you'll be better off in the long run, in all honesty, I still have no high-end makeup, I love my drugstore products!
But, to start off with, I'm going to list a few things to buy if you want and some good products!

Mascarra - Getting a black mascarra is almost essential for almost every girl at some point, if your younger like let's say 12 - 13, I suggest just buying a clear mascarra if you actually want to wear one, but seriously, you don't need to.
CoverGirl's LashBlast Volume Blasting Waterproof Mascara -
Maybelline's the Falsies -

Concealer - Concealer is obviously not an essential, but it is beginning to be one. Concealer helps to conceal under eye circles, blemishes or anything class an imperfection. There are different coloured concealer's for different uses, but I mainly use a normal skin coloured one to hide my blemishes and under eye circles.
Rimmel Hide the Blemish Concealer stick:
The Body Shop Concealer:
Australis Cosmetics Liquid Concealer:

Lip Gloss - Lip gloss is the easier, and in my opinion, better alternative to lipstick. You can wear it over the top of lipstick to give it a nice shine or by itself. In my opinion, lip glosses look better than a lipstick because it gives your face more depth.

Pencil Eyeliner - A pencil eyeliner is one of the most basic, simplest and oldest versions of eyeliner. If your going to start out, try learning with one of these. They tend to be a lot cheaper than gel, liquid or any other type.
I'm not going to list any eyeliners here because it's too much of a personal choice thing and really, some eyeliners work great for some people and terrible for others, it really just depends on the eye. Shop around and find your perfect eyeliner!

Powder Foundation - Loose or pressed, you can never go wrong with a powder. Unlike a lot of liquid foundations, powders don't cake and don't create a shine on your face. I've used a pressed powder for about two years and have just begun to wear loose powders religiously.
The Body Shop Nature's Minerals (Loose) -

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nail Polish Obsession: A Ramble.

The other night I was at might work before a work meeting, and I was going through the chuck out nail polishes, which are just nail polishes that are no longer being made or just don't sell very well so we get rid of them, and I came across this one nail polish. When I saw it, I was like 'oh, my god! This is fate!' It's this beautiful pearl corally colour which I have never seen one like it before!
So, I obviously bought it (with two other colours, which I'll talk about later) and I'm just o happy now, it was the last one left and it's just such a one-of-a-kind sort of colour, it's so gorgeous.
It's called Hippy/Hippie Chick by Rimmel, in their LycraWear line. It's so gorgeous, but nearly all the picture's I've tried getting to insert are making it look way too orange, but I did find this one on google that I have obviously inserted. How much of a gorgeous colour is it?!

Now, the two other's I bought were both by Revitanail, one is in the colour Cosmopolitain Chic which is just this gorgeous, gorgeous corally colour, which I'm so excited to wear next week!
The other is in Perfect Pink, which, in my opinion, is the perfect Barbie pink. Like, it's so bright but not fuchsia coloured, it's just the perfect Barbie.
I've put to small pictures of the Revitanail one's below, and I hope you all love them as much as I do!
Just wanted to let you all know about my little bargain findings!

Collection Count: 32.

xoxo Sammi

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Everday Routine: A Written Tutorial?

I haven't posted in a while (except for the one I posted a few seconds ago) so I thought I'd do another post since I probably won't be posting again for a while. I'm just going to do a write up of my current skin, face and hair routine! I'll start off my skin, then my face then hair. Hope you like it!

So, I have quite a few skin products, and my skin is fairly clear currently which I'm really happy about, but here's my night and morning routine!
  1. Cleanse. I use the Cetaphil Oily Skin Cleanser after I take my eye makeup off with Clinique's Take It Off eye makeup removed. Also, some days I use the Clinique Anti-Blemish Solution to wash my face. Every 3 days, I use the St Ives Apricot Scrub in the shower just to exfoliate and help keep my skin clean!
  2. Tone. Only at night! So, one product in here I wasn't sure what title it'd come under, so I just put it in Tone. I start off, only every few days, with Avon's Purifying Astringent on where my acne is, it really helps clear up any pimple's I have incredibally quickly, which I love. Then, I use Nivea's Stay Clear toner, I don't like this product very much, but hey, I need to use it up.
  3. Moisturise. In the morning, I use L'Oreal's Triple Active Day moisturiser all over my face, down my neck and on my chest. I also put on some sunscreen then if it's a sunny day. At night though, I use Clinique's dramatically different moisturising lotion which I absolutely adore!
  4. Spot. Someday's when I get a big whooper on my face, I'll use Thursday Plantation's Tea Tree Blemish Stick on it as it's just a natural way to help zap a pimple!
This is pretty much just my everyday makeup routine for probably the next 3-6 months, since I'm heading into summer, but when I get to summer, some of things will just drop off and not be used.
  1. Conceal. I use a Rimmel's Hide the Blemish concealer on my under-eye circles, and my The Body Shop concealer on my blemishes just so they're not so see able!
  2. Powder. I use CoverGirl's Clean pressed powder in Ivory to set my concealer under my eyes, and just a loose powder from The Body Shop, which I absolutely love!
  3. Eyes. I usually just use a very fine line of eyeliner on my upper lid, I usually use BYS gel eyeliner on there. I use my L'Oreal Collegane mascarra, W7 Big Lashes mascarra and my The Body Shop lengthening mascarra on my upper lashes, and only The Body Shop lengthening on the bottom!
  4. Blush/Bronzer. Some days I just feel like using blush so I usually contour with a darker blush, and use a lighter blush as a blush! It's such a pretty look, and I love it. I change my blush up quite often, so I won't put down the one's I use here! When I use a bronzer instead though, I use Revlon's Colour Stay bronzer in Suntan Matte, which is so pretty but thankfully, not too pigmented.
  5. Lips. I usually just use lip balm on my lips and sometimes use a pretty pink lip gloss on top of it! I can't put down any products here, because I change it up every day.

HAIR!My hair routine is so simple, and boring I don't know whether to put it down or not, but it's still apart of my every day look, so I will.
  1. Wash. I wash my hair every 2-3 days as it doesn't get very oily and I don't do very much to it. But I do shower and put conditioner in my hair each day!
  2. Oil. I usually put my Argan Oil in my hair each day, before I do anything else with it.
  3. Up. I always now put my hair up into a bun (sort of) at about the lower part of the middle of my head. I pull a few bits out on the side, just so it look a bit more messy. My fringe is also back, which really shows off my bone structure (something I'm very proud of :3)

I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial thing, I've inserted a few pictures of products I use, but yeah.
xoxo Sammi.

Sally Hansen's Xtreme Wear Nail Polish in Fuchsia Power: A Review

The other day, I had a work meeting. It went on for quite some time, but not as long as I was expecting it too. Now, I absolutely hate work meetings. I had all this work I needed to do, and that was taking up my time. But on the positive side of thing, I learnt some pretty nifty little things when I was there and I also got some free littles things which I'm hopefully going to review another one of them once I figure out what it is!
One of the free things I got was a Sally Hansen nail polish that is going on sale at my work within the next week.

I got it in the colour Fuchsia Power, which is this really hot pink which I'm so excited to wear in summer when my skin has that sun-kissed glow to it!
But, on to the review.
So, I tried it out the night I got it because my nails really needed to be painted again and I felt like a new, bright colour to get me through the few days of bad weather ahead (even thought they turned out to be beautiful, spring weather!). So, I went ahead and painted my nails in this hot pink colour.
What I love about this product is that it doesn't chip easily! It stays on for ages, and it's so gorgeous! It made my skin look all glowy and the colour is just so girly and pretty that I'm in love with it! But, like all products, there is a bad side to it, and this one is it's drying time. I was really hoping it would only take 10 minutes to dry at the most, but oh no, it didn't. It took way longer than I was prepared to wait! I painted my nails around just before 9, at 9:35 when I was ready to get into bed and read for a while, they still weren't properly dry! I had the most difficult time trying to get into my pyjama's because of this.
If the drying time wasn't so long, I would love this product more than I do currently. It's a gorgeous colour, it doesn't chip easily (I'm a student, therefore, I spend quite a bit of time on computers doing homework so they get whacked on hard things alot) but the drying time is a massive down side. I do plan to buy some more of these Xtreme Wears, only because I adore the colours. I have inserted a picture somewhere of what the colour looks like, but no I do not have with it on my nails; sorry!
I plan to get it in:
  • Going Green
  • Crushed
  • Hot Magenta
  • Bubblegum Pink
  • Blue It
    and maybe some others!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Surviving Highschool: Friendships.

I just realised that my series like never really got up and running properly, I did one post and pretty much just stopped so I'm going to do this one really quickly since I'm home because I am so sick and had to drag myself out of bed this morning to go and have a shower and get ready for school, even though mum ended up telling me I could stay home! But, here's my next edition in the series. (:

So, in high school, you are most likely not going to stay with the same friends you had in primary/grade school or whatever you call it. But seriously, if you are drifting away from those friends don't like ignore them completely, tell them that you're changing and you don't feel the same about the friendship anymore or something like that. At the start of this year (beginning of the 9th grade for me) I started to drift away from a girl who was my best friend back then, and I never said anything to her, I started ignoring her pretty much, but she didn't make an effort with me either, but in the end, I'm pretty sure it hurt both of us for our friendship to end like that and right now I wish I could go back and tell her how I was feeling and what was going on and everything, but I can't and I don't think any of you, who ever reads this, should have to feel that way about a friend.
Also, you're obviously going to make new friends and discover who you are and who you want to be, so when you're figuring all this out, do not let anyone else make you think something else, it's your future, your life and not theirs. Make sure you love it, because if you don't, life and high school will be tough.
If a friend, whether they are old or new, starts dissing you and you know they're being serious, get out of that friendship right now! No body deserves to be insulted by someone, like yeah I insult my friends all the time, but they know I'm joking and I know I'm joking, like I absolutely adore my friends, they mean the world to me :)

So, I hope this was somewhat helpful even though it was full of me just rambling about stuff, but oh well.
xoxo Sammi.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Life: An Update

I haven't been posting very often and to any one who is following me (if there is anyone, that is) I am so sorry! I will be posting a bit more soonish, but currently I have alot going on in my life. Since I'm not posting often, I thought I'd do a quick little update on my life!
This is my first week back at school for the second semester of year 9, I'm just getting into the hang of my new classes (my electives, they change each semester) which are: foods, photography (which I'm changing out into something else) extension maths, girls in sport and introduction to psychology.
I started working (part time, of course) not all that long ago, so most of my weekend up is taken up by work!
I've been making all these new friends, and meeting new people and having new experiences that I haven't really spent all that much time on the computer, let alone blogging, but oh well. So, this was really quick and well, pointless, but I was thinking that maybe I should post a picture so you all know what I look like and that I'm not some weird looking crazy lady who was nothing better to do than spend time on the computer? Yeah, that would be nice.
So, here I am!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

MATRIX Biolage Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner: A Review.

Not long ago, I got a free sample of a shampoo and conditioner. Yesterday, I was cleaning up my room and I saw them sitting on my vanity and of course, I had to wash my hair today so I decided I'd use them instead of my other shampoo and conditioner. So, today, I went and used them.
What they were: MATRIX Biolage Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner.
Will I buy them: Most likely, if I can find them anywhere near where I live.

My review:
MATRIX Biolage Hydrating Shampoo.
I got this as free sample a while ago and finally used it today. I couldn't find it for ages, which was really disappointing because I was so pumped to try it out! But today, when I used it, I decided it was one of the best shampoo's I have ever used! It does make your hair feel incredibally hydrated, just like the title says (Biolage <i>Hydrating</i> Shampoo). I can't really say anything bad about this product because I absolutely love it! I'm thinking that next time I need a new shampoo, I won't go out and get my favourite Organix brand, I'll go out and have a look around for this one! But the one downside to it is the smell! Lot's of people find it 'pleasant' but I can't. I don't like the smell at all, but I am very thankful that it is only light and after about 45minutes after washing my hair, the smell has disappeared.

MATRIX Biolage Hydrating Conditioner.
I like this conditioner a lot, just like the shampoo. I loved the fact that when I had washed it all out, it felt so soft and hydrated it was amazing. I don't straighten my hair very much anymore, but my hair is naturally dry, but this seemed to add some life into my hair which I am really grateful for. When I got out, I put my hair into a centre part and pinned two parts back so they would curl and the rest wouldn't; usually, my hair goes stupid and frizzy when I do this, but it didn't this time which absolutely made my day! My bangs look so soft right now, and my hair feels incredibally good. I have three downsides for this product though, which I absolutely hate to say, but I need to say them anyway. When I got the conditioner out, it was so thick and gross I wanted to just wash it off my hands, but of course, I didn't. When I was trying to wash it out, it didn't seem to want to come out which meant I had to stay in the shower longer than I wanted trying to get it out, and I believe there may still be some in there. Last, but not least, I hate the smell. But like the shampoo, the smell is very faint and disappears quickly. I will most likely  by this product again because I love the finish it gave to my hair, I love how it feels soft and hydrated and the few bad things don't over rule the good things.

I hope you found this useful and I should be posting another entry tomorrow, tomorrow night or later tonight.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

My July/Winter playlist!

I was listening to some old music the other day and some of the songs randomly took me back to memories, like last year for summer would be 3OH!3 - Double Vision, it was on the radio heaps and it was one of my favourite songs. Also, last summer was one of the best summers of my life, and I'm hoping the coming summer will be just as amazing!
But anywho, here is my July/Winter playlist!
Set the rain on fire - Adele
Last friday night - Katy Perry
You took the words right out of my mouth - Meatloaf
Someone like you - Adele.
California King Bed - Rihanna.
Live your life - T.I featuring Rihanna.

There just songs that have managed to be playing on my iTunes/iPod lately and well, that's what I'm associating winter 2011 with. Just a random post since I haven't done when in ages.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nail Polishes for each Season: A Collection; Winter

So, I decided I'd put together my must have nail polishes/nail polish colours for every season of the year. So you know, I have a massive nail polish collection currently! But, no matter what, you need to have a base coat and a top coat for your nails, it will make it look so much better and I'm pretty sure the base coat like strengthens your nails as well or something, depending what sort you get (:
So, I'm currently in winter and I'm absolutely loving duochrome's and sparkley nail polishes! They are so pretty, even though the sparkley ones are so hard to get off!
  1. A deep red. Being winter, bright colours don't really go well with many skin tones because heaps of people have lost the tan they got over summer, even if your skin doesn't seem to darken, everyone's does. A deep red is so gorgeous on wintery skin, like it's so much better than a normal red because it's more...balanced I guess you would say. My one is by Rimmel, it's one of the Lycra wears and it's called 391 Celebrity Bash.
  2. A dark blue. So, any sort of dark blue is great for winter. Like, a royal blue or a navy blue for example. My favourite blue is so dark, it looks black in some lightings, but when it hits any sort of normal light it's a gorgeous shade of a royal blue with these green duochrome's. It's so beautiful! It's by Australis and it's in the colour 62290 Emerald Star.
  3. A purple. So, I tend to wear purples more in autumn and winter than any other month, it just seems more natural I guess, not that it is natural by any means. But it just seems to fit better. In all honesty, I adore metallic dark purples. I have absolutely no idea what colour my one is but I know for sure it's by Borghese, not sure if any of you have heard of it buy oh well.
  4. A black. No matter what, every girl needs to have at least one black nail polish. It suits almost any season! Like, they look gorgeous with sunkissed skin and just as beautiful with wintery skin. I have two blacks, one's a matte and ones a glossy sort of one, the glossy one is my most reached for out of the two. But seriously, I have such pale skin and it looks gorgeous with it! My number one is by T.B.N and in the colour 930 Black Beauty.
  5. A pink. I think almost every girl who owns nail polish has at least one pink. Pinks go with every season, like bright pinks for summer, pastel pinks for winter, deep pinks for autumn and anything for spring. So, a cute pastel pink for winter is a must have! I currently have like 3 different shades that are very similar for winter, and they are all so gorgeous! My favourite is buy Rimmel, one of the Lycra wears and is in the colour 283 Pure Sin. The worst part about it is that it takes forever to dry!
So, I hope this was a little helpful and some sort of guide for your wintery nail polishes, but tomorrow night I'm going to do the Summer nail polishes (:
Also, my next edition in the series will be done on Sunday, I haven't had time recently!
I'll also be doing an 'update' on my life within the next two weeks, so yeah.

xoxo Sammi.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Surviving Highschool: Stereotypes/Labels?

So, I decided to start off my series with something that is actually a big issue in high school even if you don't really think it is.
But, this is going to sound like something your mother would say, but when you reach high school, your going to try out different looks/styles - and that's what pretty much everyone does. It's called finding out who you are!
But of course, people are going to judge you about this. Some might even pick on you for it, but don't pay attention to them! So what if you want to wear dark eye makeup and dark clothes? Some people are going to judge you for it, but in all honesty, what you decided to do with yourself on the outside, doesn't define who you are on the inside. Like, maybe you want to dye your hair blonde, get a spray tan and act stupid. That is a stereotype for a blonde, but in all honesty, if that's what you want to do, go do it! You only live one life, so do whatever you want to do!
Anyway, I have changed soo many times and been put into so many different stereotypes and I've been labelled so many different things it's not funny. I'm going to list a few and do a positive take/label of it! (Yes, just like the 'Born This Way' tag on Youtube.
  1. Ugly - So, I've been called ugly so many times I'm starting to believe it. But, luckily for me, I have my amazing friends who make sure I don't actually end up believing it completely! I prefer to think of myself as 'unique'. (:
  2. Emo - Okay, I went through a phaze 2 years ago and part of last year where I wore alot of black clothing, black makeup and dyed my hair black. I wanted so many piercing as well! But in all honesty, I wasn't emo or 'scene' I was just 'different'.
  3. Nerd - So, this is my most current one! I don't mind being known as a 'nerd' because in all honesty, school means alot to me, I want to do well in school and I want to end up with a good career. I do call myself a nerd every now and then like around my friends, but I'm npt really a nerdy nerd, I like to think of myself as 'driven'.
So, I hoped this help and next Sunday or the Sunday after that I am going to do another one but on friendships!
xoxo Sammi

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I'm going to start a series!

So, I decided to start a series sort of thing on here. It'll help my posts be more consistent and maybe they might help some people out.
Anyway, I'm going to call it 'Surviving Highschool' it's just going to be a bit of advice on everything! e.g dealing with bullying, friendships, homework!, relationships etc.
I'll make my first post sometime soon, like within the next week or so, and every week on that day, I'll post another one. I hope you all enjoy it and I hope it's helpful!
xoxo Sammi

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Winter Makeup: A Written Tutorial

I decided I would take a new spin on makeup tutorials, instead of recording one, I'm going to write/type it all out for you!
I know this has been done before, I'm not trying to say I started the 'writing of tutorials' I just want to do one.
I'm going to say what the prices are usually, what brand/type of makeup I'm using and whatever else! Hope you enjoy.
P.S I will be doing a video on youtube soon, I will link my channel when I have it up and running!
  1. First off, I apply a moisturiser and sunscreen. I put the two of them together because they're both before my actual makeup routine, but in a way, they're still apart of it. For sunscreen I use Banana Boat Kids: SPF 30, I apply it all over my face, down my neck, on my ears and on the top part of my chest. After around 5-10 minutes I apply my moisturiser, I use L'Oreal's Triple Action Day. I apply this to the same places I applied my sunscreen, except my ears.
  2. After that all dries in, I apply a primer. I use Natio's Ageless: Illuminating Primer. I absolutely adore this product! It makes my skin feel so soft and smooth, it keeps my makeup in place all day, literally all day! I apply this all over my face.
  3. After that, depending in what mood I am, what I'm doing that day and what condition my skin is in I will either apply a foundation, tinted moisturiser or completelty skip this step. But, when I wear foundation I either use Neutrogena's Healthy Skin (oil free) in Classic Porcelain, it has an SPF 20 or I use CoverGirl's Clean foundation for normal skin in Ivory. I actually have combination skin, but I find that this one does actually stop oil and that from showing completely, but maybe that's just my opinion. When I use a tinted moisturiser I use Nutrimetics Sheer Tint tinted moisturiser. Like the name says, it is very sheer, but I still love it. I apply the foundation/tinted moisturiser all over my face and blend it down my neck.
  4. I now use a concealer on my undereye area. I'm currently using Rimmel's Hide The Blemish concealer. I do like this product, it does the job, but there are others out there that would most likely be waaaaay better!
  5. POWDER! Okay, this step is determined by what I decided above. Like if I use a tinted moisturiser, I use my mineral powder by the Body Shop or my compact by CoverGirl. The compact powder is a powder in the Clean line, I think it's the one for sensitive skin, but I can't remember. It's in Ivory. My Body Shop mineral powder is one of the Nature's Minerals line, I seriously do not know what colour it is in. All I know is it's a really light one with a pinky undertone.
  6. Now, I move on to my eyes. My eyes are really simple, I don't have an eye primer so I use my face primer (yes, I know I'm not suppose to use a face primer as an eye primer) and I quickly prime my lids. I use a Chi Chi brownish quad for my eyeshadow. I got this quad in a set sort of thing, so I have no idea what the colours are called or how much they are. I use one that has a slight goldish undertone as a base and the darkest at the outter v. That's all I do for my eyeshadow.
  7. I now line and apply mascarra! For my eyeliner, I use the BYS gel eyeliner in Black Magic. This isn't the greatest eyeliner, but it's alright. I love gel eyeliners, but unfortunately this is the only one I have currently. I curl my lashes with an eye lash curler, I can't remember where I got it or how much it was. I then apply mascarra, I use Rimmel's VolumeFlash and the Body Shop's Define and Lengthen mascarra.
  8. Cheeks! I only use a blush in winter. I'm currently using one by Chi Chi. It's a really light pink, similar to MAC's Well Dressed blush.
  9. I apply a quick coat of lipgloss to my lips, I use a Sportsgirl lipgloss in the colour Tutti Frutti which is a really yummy corally colour!
PRICES: (Does not include the Chi Chi products, the sunscreen or any other product that I cannot find the price for)
CoverGirl Clean Liquid foundation: $15.50
CoverGirl Clean Pressed Powder: $14.40
Neutrogena's Healthy Skin Liquid foundation: $ $12.49
Natio's Ageless Illumination Primer: $15.41
Sportsgirl's Give Some Lip: $8.95
The Body Shop's Nature's Minerals powder: $39.95
Rimmel's website does not list the prices for products or else I would have them up!

DISCLAIMER: I bought all these products myself except for the lipgloss which was given to me for my birthday by my brother's girlfriend. I am not being paid to do a review/promote a product. All opinions are my own.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rimmel Tell No One lipstick: A Review

Okay! So a while ago, around chirstmas time actually, I bought this absolutely gorgeous lipstick! I've been in love with coral lips for such a long time and I finally decided to buy myself a coral lipstick.
When I first bought this, I didn't really like it. It bleeds a little (goes off the lips) so, if your not using a lip liner, you absolutely HAVE to do this thing, I've forgotten what it's called, but you take a tissue and put it on your lips and squeeze them together and it takes off the excess lipstick! How clever is that? It stops it from bleeding and gives a bit more of a 'natural' look to it.
Also, it makes me look a little washed out or clownish if I don't have enough eye makeup on. You really have to balance it all out!

All in all, I absolutely love this product! It's so cute, it smells divine and it's such a pretty colour. If you have pale skin like myself, I really recommend buying it! You won't need a big chunk of cash to pay for it either!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Top Knots: An Opinion

If you don't know, Top Knots are a hair style, to break it down, it's just a bun on the top of the head. You can play them up with head bands, makeup etc. You can make them look different, like a ballerina bun or a big teased mess and everything in between!
Now, for my opinion! I absolutely adore Top Knots! Espically in the summer time, they're so easy to do and they keep your neck so cool! In winter, pair them with a cute scarf and they look divine!
Anyway, I think they're really cute and great for a day at the beach, pool, school, prom or anything!
So, this was really useless and quick, but I felt like doing it, I plan on wearing it to school tomorrow!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Organix Shea Butter Shampoo + Coconut Conditioner: A Review.

I just realised I haven't posted or come on here in a really long time, in fact, I've only made one post. So, I decided instead of being the lazy person I've been recently, I'd come on do a review on my shampoo and conditioner! Because, let's face it, who doesn't love having nice smelling, soft, shiny hair?
I'm currently using two different types of shampoo and conditioner by the brand Organix.
The shampoo I'm using is the Shea Butter one, I believe it really really cleans my hair better than alot of other shampoo's I've used in the past. Like, if I use too much hair spray by accident one day, with some shampoo's you can still like kind of feel it in their after you've washed it, which is just gross, but with this one you can't! It makes my hair so soft and nice and clean, I just love it! The packaging it comes in is going to be on the side, so you can all see what it looks like. The only reason I don't have the conditioner for this is because:
  • The packaging gets confusing because they both look the same, they both sit up the same way and the colours on the packaging is the same.
  • I'm not really a fan of the smell, like it's nice and all, but it's not really what I like.
  • The place I bought it at didn't actually have the conditioner for it, so obviously, I couldn't get it.
The conditioner I'm currently using is by the same brand, Organix. I absolutely adore this product! It's so nice and I feel as though it really moisturisers my hair when I use it, which is really good because I have naturally dry hair and in winter (which I'm in currently) it gets even drier and really brittle which I find so annoying, so I try not to straighten my hair in winter because of this. But, since I've started using this conditioner I've found that my hair tends to be alot softer and healthier and I'm actually able to straighten it or curl it or something every now and then because it doesn't seem to damage it as much. The image of what the packaging for this one looks like is going to be on the side like the other one. Like with the Shea Butter shampoo, I don't have the other one in this set, so I'm going to list my reasons below:
  • Like with the other one, the shop I bought it at didn't currently have the shampoo for it in stock, and I so badly needed a new shampoo and conditioner, so I just bought these two.
  • The packaging is really confusing! Literally, the only difference in the two is that one says 'conditioner' as the other says 'shampoo'.
I'm pretty sure the pricing for them is different in some shops and areas. Where I bought it I'm pretty sure it was only $15 dollars (australian dollar) or maybe a little bit more, but I know that it can range from like $10 - $30 dollars. So if you have the money to buy it, I really recommend getting these two! They are so good and worth the money and they last a really long time as you don't need too much when using them.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope I was helpful to some of you out there.
- Sammi

Thursday, April 14, 2011

First blog post!

I have no idea what I'm going to do with this blog, maybe I might take a few pictures of outfits i put together on here and talk about them, or maybe I'll do book reviews every now and then. I really have no idea.
But, to start it all off, I should introduce myself and what I'm all about. I'm a 15 year old girl from Australia. My name is Samantha, but I prefer to go by Sammi or Sam, I spend alot of my spare time either chilling with my friends, shopping, raiding op shops, reading or writing.
Anyway! I'll post some blogs every now and then, hope you like them!