Sunday, July 31, 2011

Surviving Highschool: Friendships.

I just realised that my series like never really got up and running properly, I did one post and pretty much just stopped so I'm going to do this one really quickly since I'm home because I am so sick and had to drag myself out of bed this morning to go and have a shower and get ready for school, even though mum ended up telling me I could stay home! But, here's my next edition in the series. (:

So, in high school, you are most likely not going to stay with the same friends you had in primary/grade school or whatever you call it. But seriously, if you are drifting away from those friends don't like ignore them completely, tell them that you're changing and you don't feel the same about the friendship anymore or something like that. At the start of this year (beginning of the 9th grade for me) I started to drift away from a girl who was my best friend back then, and I never said anything to her, I started ignoring her pretty much, but she didn't make an effort with me either, but in the end, I'm pretty sure it hurt both of us for our friendship to end like that and right now I wish I could go back and tell her how I was feeling and what was going on and everything, but I can't and I don't think any of you, who ever reads this, should have to feel that way about a friend.
Also, you're obviously going to make new friends and discover who you are and who you want to be, so when you're figuring all this out, do not let anyone else make you think something else, it's your future, your life and not theirs. Make sure you love it, because if you don't, life and high school will be tough.
If a friend, whether they are old or new, starts dissing you and you know they're being serious, get out of that friendship right now! No body deserves to be insulted by someone, like yeah I insult my friends all the time, but they know I'm joking and I know I'm joking, like I absolutely adore my friends, they mean the world to me :)

So, I hope this was somewhat helpful even though it was full of me just rambling about stuff, but oh well.
xoxo Sammi.

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