Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Life: An Update

I haven't been posting very often and to any one who is following me (if there is anyone, that is) I am so sorry! I will be posting a bit more soonish, but currently I have alot going on in my life. Since I'm not posting often, I thought I'd do a quick little update on my life!
This is my first week back at school for the second semester of year 9, I'm just getting into the hang of my new classes (my electives, they change each semester) which are: foods, photography (which I'm changing out into something else) extension maths, girls in sport and introduction to psychology.
I started working (part time, of course) not all that long ago, so most of my weekend up is taken up by work!
I've been making all these new friends, and meeting new people and having new experiences that I haven't really spent all that much time on the computer, let alone blogging, but oh well. So, this was really quick and well, pointless, but I was thinking that maybe I should post a picture so you all know what I look like and that I'm not some weird looking crazy lady who was nothing better to do than spend time on the computer? Yeah, that would be nice.
So, here I am!

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