Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rimmel Tell No One lipstick: A Review

Okay! So a while ago, around chirstmas time actually, I bought this absolutely gorgeous lipstick! I've been in love with coral lips for such a long time and I finally decided to buy myself a coral lipstick.
When I first bought this, I didn't really like it. It bleeds a little (goes off the lips) so, if your not using a lip liner, you absolutely HAVE to do this thing, I've forgotten what it's called, but you take a tissue and put it on your lips and squeeze them together and it takes off the excess lipstick! How clever is that? It stops it from bleeding and gives a bit more of a 'natural' look to it.
Also, it makes me look a little washed out or clownish if I don't have enough eye makeup on. You really have to balance it all out!

All in all, I absolutely love this product! It's so cute, it smells divine and it's such a pretty colour. If you have pale skin like myself, I really recommend buying it! You won't need a big chunk of cash to pay for it either!

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