Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Random Ramble.

So, here I am just sitting in class, having finished all my work and just thinking about things that aren't going to help me in my politics assignment due soon what-so-ever, but you know what? I don't care.
I've decided I'm going to change. I'm going to be who I want, act how I want, cut my hair, dye my hair, wear the make-up I want, be happy but most of all, I'm gonna say 'Eff you' to society. I'm sick of acting the way society wants me to, I'm sick of being picked on for being someone that I'm not even.
I'm looking around my class, noticing for the first time, all the different people there is in it. There's this one girl, Jess, who's so not what is expected of her. There's all these girls who are everything that's wanted of them in society. Then, there is me and my friends. We're all fairly pretty, smart and yeah. But by looking at people - can you actually tell if they're happy or not?
Like, most people would look at me and think 'oh yeah, she has it all. A great job, good grades, good friends, guys adore her, she's comes from a good family so she has nothing to be sad about' but like, that's the thing, people just assume these days, no one actually tries to find out. Like, I'm not all that happy - and you know what? I have my reasons and I don't need to explain them.
But, I have a goal for month of September and onwards. I'm going to change. I'm going to make an effort to people who make an effort towards me, I'll be nicer to almost everyone, I'll do what I want and be as happy as I please, and I'll do what I want, when I want, and I don't care what anyone says.
I'm getting my hair cut on monday, the way I want it. Wish me luck!

xoxo Sammi.

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