Sunday, June 12, 2011

Surviving Highschool: Stereotypes/Labels?

So, I decided to start off my series with something that is actually a big issue in high school even if you don't really think it is.
But, this is going to sound like something your mother would say, but when you reach high school, your going to try out different looks/styles - and that's what pretty much everyone does. It's called finding out who you are!
But of course, people are going to judge you about this. Some might even pick on you for it, but don't pay attention to them! So what if you want to wear dark eye makeup and dark clothes? Some people are going to judge you for it, but in all honesty, what you decided to do with yourself on the outside, doesn't define who you are on the inside. Like, maybe you want to dye your hair blonde, get a spray tan and act stupid. That is a stereotype for a blonde, but in all honesty, if that's what you want to do, go do it! You only live one life, so do whatever you want to do!
Anyway, I have changed soo many times and been put into so many different stereotypes and I've been labelled so many different things it's not funny. I'm going to list a few and do a positive take/label of it! (Yes, just like the 'Born This Way' tag on Youtube.
  1. Ugly - So, I've been called ugly so many times I'm starting to believe it. But, luckily for me, I have my amazing friends who make sure I don't actually end up believing it completely! I prefer to think of myself as 'unique'. (:
  2. Emo - Okay, I went through a phaze 2 years ago and part of last year where I wore alot of black clothing, black makeup and dyed my hair black. I wanted so many piercing as well! But in all honesty, I wasn't emo or 'scene' I was just 'different'.
  3. Nerd - So, this is my most current one! I don't mind being known as a 'nerd' because in all honesty, school means alot to me, I want to do well in school and I want to end up with a good career. I do call myself a nerd every now and then like around my friends, but I'm npt really a nerdy nerd, I like to think of myself as 'driven'.
So, I hoped this help and next Sunday or the Sunday after that I am going to do another one but on friendships!
xoxo Sammi

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