Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nail Polish Obsession: A Ramble.

The other night I was at might work before a work meeting, and I was going through the chuck out nail polishes, which are just nail polishes that are no longer being made or just don't sell very well so we get rid of them, and I came across this one nail polish. When I saw it, I was like 'oh, my god! This is fate!' It's this beautiful pearl corally colour which I have never seen one like it before!
So, I obviously bought it (with two other colours, which I'll talk about later) and I'm just o happy now, it was the last one left and it's just such a one-of-a-kind sort of colour, it's so gorgeous.
It's called Hippy/Hippie Chick by Rimmel, in their LycraWear line. It's so gorgeous, but nearly all the picture's I've tried getting to insert are making it look way too orange, but I did find this one on google that I have obviously inserted. How much of a gorgeous colour is it?!

Now, the two other's I bought were both by Revitanail, one is in the colour Cosmopolitain Chic which is just this gorgeous, gorgeous corally colour, which I'm so excited to wear next week!
The other is in Perfect Pink, which, in my opinion, is the perfect Barbie pink. Like, it's so bright but not fuchsia coloured, it's just the perfect Barbie.
I've put to small pictures of the Revitanail one's below, and I hope you all love them as much as I do!
Just wanted to let you all know about my little bargain findings!

Collection Count: 32.

xoxo Sammi

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with tour suggestion.. Very nice post and good information here...
